About the Book

All relationships have a time stamp

Have you dreamed about living your best life? The Alphabet Circle Journey: Living Your Best Life brings together for the first time a parallel between the laws of chemistry and human relationships. The author provides the reader with a plausible theory, and understanding of how and why relationships form, and end. Using each letter of the alphabet, with nature as its backdrop, the author skillfully uses metaphors to intertwine human behavior with the philosophy of the universe to traverse the life journey along the Alphabet Circle.

The Alphabet Circle is our life journey. The author theorizes that every life encounter happens somewhere on your Alphabet Circle, and comes together based on soul chemistry. Upon meeting, the souls form soul-to-soul bonds, the connections for relationships to deliver an experience. Soul bond energy with coded information for your journey is released from these interactions. You must then connect at the soul level to understand these messages, which are the key for an exciting, enjoyable, and fulfilling journey for your best life.


The Alphabet Circle concept offers that human beings have a dual existence. We have a physical body and a soul with complimentary interactions at the human and soul level. The physical level interaction happens in the head, which is where our ego operates. It is logical. On the other hand, the soul level connection is what we need to understand as we move to a level of consciousness where we let go of ego to bond at the soul level. Then, and only then, we can live our best lives. The book offers a one directional Alphabet Circle. The author uses an active style to bring the book to life and offer through each letter of the alphabet, tools for the journey.